A: Rexburg, Idaho
Sept 2009-Dec 2011
B: Overton, NV
Dec 1990-Sept 2009
C: Cajamarca, Peru
Jan 2012-April 2012
D: Riverton, Utah
April 2012-August 2012
Here's my question: How long do you have to live in one spot before it becomes home?? When I say, "I'm going home." Where will that mean??
Gosh I feel like I'm having a bit of an identity crisis:)
P.S. That little dotted line on the left (aka: the equator), I'm totally stoked to be crossing over that bad boy!
At 4:30pm our plane will depart from Miami and we will be Lima bound. We'll arrive in Peru at approx 10:05pm.
Please direct your eyes to the visual on the right. See that little red square with the 1 in it??? That my friends is where I will be sitting for the entire flight to Peru. I'm already rather found of that little seat. 36J! A window seat no less. I'm sorely hoping that Brittany and Abigail's seats are close by 36J. And I also hope we meet some fantastic people on our flight over. I'm sure we will.
Also, upon writing Abigail and Brittany's names so much, it made me wish that my name started with a C. ABC ya know? Then I relaized that my middle name starts with a C (Celeste) so I could go by that for the three months that I'm in Peru!!!
And then we could be Abigail, Brittany&Celeste. Buuuut. I probably won't do that. Because I like my name. And that would just be silly.
Ok that's all for now.
Love, Celeste
haha jk. Love, Noelle
What's in Peru?