Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fall 2010 Favorite Photo Memories

"The Boys"; Jeff, Spencer, Jeff,  Blake, Michael, Jace and Cooper


MuMu Time: Walking to church on a beautiful Sunday morning

Couching: Claire and I became incredibly fond of sleeping on the couches together

Competitive Sports Photographer: I spent many Friday nights and Saturday mornings in the Hart with my camera
Noelle Turns Twenty: Craigos, Sardines, Wallyball, and Gourmet Hot Chocolate!
For Nights We Needed to Wallow: Face Masks and Chick Flicks

Cross Country Skiing: It was way too early and way too cold, but we rocked this thing!
The Vegas Boys Visit: Ultimate frisbee, mind games, JB's for breakfast, Halloween costumes and much more

Health Fair: I got my flu shot! Yeahhh!
Visit's to the Homestead: Miss Ila's scary Halloween face

Night out on the Town: IF for Shae's Bacholorette party
News From Squiggly Pig: We got the CUTEST letter from Em, how we missed her this semester. My very first without her.

Pie Shakes: This  semester we discovered the love of my life, Pie Shakes. Courtesy of Sammy's!

Triple Date: Cooper and I, Trav and Claire, LeeAnn and Jeff. Dinner Date Dash!

Blankets and Sunshine: We looved to bask in the sun before and after devo on Tuesdays and then any other chance we got.

FRENCH TOAST: Levi treated me to french toast multiple times, lucky me!

Chinese Food: Our fantastic feast!

Roommate Dinner: Our first of several, Taco Soup

Keri turns 18: I stinking love these girls

Amanda Comes: Claire's cousin Amanda visited TWICE this semester. We think she's alright.

Thanksgiving break: Bowling


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