Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grateful Ten

1. BYU-Idaho
I am in love with this school. Everything about it. I have been here for seven straight semesters and love it more and more with each one. The thought of graduating makes me....mournful. Knowing that I am leaving and won't be back til Fall '12.... a;lskdjf;aldkjf If I wasn't leaving for such great, happy reasons I'd be a mess right now. Such a great school.

2. My job
-I am so blessed to have such a great job and work with such great people. I love what I do, I love who I help, I love having an income.

3. President Clark
-I'm this guy's biggest fan. I was so bummed when he didn't give the first devotional of the semester because they are always top notch and give me something to theme my whole spiritual semester around. So hopefully Peru's Wi-fi is superb so I can watch next semester's! Such an amazing man.

4. Sue Clark
-What a woman! I want to be just like her. So sweet, so strong, so insightful! I love the idea that behind every general authority is a just as strong if not stronger woman. Sister Clark is no exception. I'm grateful for her example.

5. The new Ensign! General Conference edition.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I have strong feelings about this one. So grateful for it and the comfort and guidance that can be found in the messages inside. Mostly grateful for the sweet spirit I feel when I read it. Haven't purchased your own yet? It'll be the best two bucks you've ever spent. Go!

6. Goals
If I hadn't set goals all throughout my life, I'd have no drive. When I set a goal, I make sure I do whatever it takes to achieve it. These are what keep me moving forward in my life.

7. Natalie
I think the older I get, the more homesick college makes me. I hate feeling homesick or lonely. Hate it. When ever I start to feel like that, I call Natalie up, "Hi!!! Where are you, what are you doing? Wanna come over?!?!"  It's the same spiel every time :) I love her!

8. Finger Nail  Clippers
I had a hangnail at work today, and it is just not fun! Thank goodness for nail-clippers that can nip that thing right off.

9. Hair
I don't really like to wear hats, so if I didn't have my hair, I'm pretty sure I'd be the most unhappy, frozen Rexburger ever.

10. The fact that Thanksgiving break is soooo close. Keep going Noelle. Keep Going. Almost there.

I'm such a fortunate girl. Today I sat at work thinking. Why? Why oh why did I get so lucky? How come God is so good to me?  Ahhhh I'm so grateful.

Love, Noelle

P.S. I'm listening to Flightless Bird by Iron and Wine. Love this song. It cracks me up "I'm like a fat, house cat" bahaha.

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