Saturday, October 22, 2011

I made a goal. When I make a goal, I stick with the goal.

Goal: Obey honor and sustain the law AKA Give up Jaywalking.

Here's the thing, I live in the most prime jaywalking spot. For you Rexburgers, I live in Royal Crest, just a hop skip and jump across the street from the BYU-I center. I haven't timed myself, but I'm pretty sure it feels like it takes at least 5 extra minutes to get to my final destination when using the crosswalks.  When it's 7:45 am, freezing outside, and I'm late for work, this is a big deal.
Alas, a goal is a goal, and I've been doing well thus far.

But the inspiration for this post came from this mornings run, where I decided that crosswalks are awkward. Super awkward. Given the fact that 1. I do 98% of my traveling on foot and 2. I'm an avid cross walk user, I've been in just about every awkward crosswalk situation you can possibly imagine.

1. I'm not the type to just cross as soon as I get to the cross walk, I stop, look both ways and then proceed. However, if there is a big line up or a car that has been waiting for awhile, I have no problem waiting and letting them go ahead. Sometimes this doesn't work. I motion to the car to go, in return they wave their hand in the air, yet I can't tell if his was a motion for me to go ahead or if it was a gratitude wave saying thanks. So we both move forward and upon realizing that the other is also progressing, we both come to an abrupt stop. Then I wave, he waves, and we do the whole awkward dance again until finally one of us takes initiative and just crosses that stinking road. I know you've all been there before. It's awkward.

2. Ok, I'm also not the type to be walking along and see someone I know and pretend like I don't see them, no matter how awkward our relationship, what harm could possibly come from a brief moment of eye contact and a smile? It's only awkward when I'm looking and smiling at them, waiting for them to make eye contact, and they take great lengths to keep from making eye contact. It's eye contact people. Eye contact. No big deal. Cross walks make this doubly awkward cause you're walking towards each other on a narrow strip of road, I know you saw me!

3. I never know how to cross the street while on  a bike. I swear it's always awkward.

4. Last but not least, rollerblading across the cross walk. SO awkward. Especially since I'm not very good and crossing the street is scary, hard and intimidating. All those people are watching you thinking, "I'm stopped here because of this crazy chick? Come on woman, get a move on!" And I'm sure to fall either right at the beginning or else right at the end of my crossing experience. In special occasions it's both. Tragic.

Love, Noelle

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