Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dare to Do Great Things

A few days ago, Sister Dalton came to campus and told us to get out of our comfort zones and dare to do great things. Dream big she said.

Here's what's in my comfort zone: Hot water. My favorite foods. English. My family. Rexburg. BYU-Idaho. Claire Salmon. America.

Here's what I dream big about:


Humanitarian Work


Making a Difference
It's blog official. I am stepping out of my comfort zone.  Come January, I'm leaving America, my family, Claire, Rexburg, school, my food, my hot water...everything for three short months.

I'm going to Peru. How could I not?


  1. Noelle! That is GREAT!! It'll be an incredible experience that you'll never forget. You'll learn and grow SO much! SUPER EXCITED FOR YOU!!


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