Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh My Goodness, Oh My Goodness, Oh My Goodness

The next few weeks are going to be ... FANTASTIC! Here's why:
On Thursday afternoon I was notified that EFY would like to hire me on to start working as an EFY counselor starting that following Monday (that's today folks). I applied for this job ages ago but never heard back so I completely forgot about it. Most people find out 3-4 months in advance so they have plenty of time to prepare for it, I got 2-3 days. Not to mention those were the days of finals and white glove clean checks.
I was also scheduled to attend a family reunion that very week and then travel home with my family and get started right away on some other things as soon as I got home. It was VERY unlike me to completely drop everything that I had planned and scheduled for something that spontaneously showed up, but I did- and I feel very confident about that descision.

I went to EFY once with my best friend Emily the summer before our Senior year.  However, we had some plane troubles and missed our entire first day and had to spend the rest of the week catching up, but we sure did enjoy ourselves.
I was just reminded of the EFY term "COW" or "Crush Of The Week". I definitely had a Cow, his name was Jon and we were adorable together ;) ask anyone. Annnnyways. Here's some pictures from way back when I was a participant. The next post will hopefully have some pictures of efy from the perspective of a counselor.

Gosh I'm excited. Did you ever go to EFY? Any tips, suggestions?

My two amazing counselors, Michelle and Erica. I ADORED them.

Emily and I went together, best decision ever!

I loved making so many new friends. This is Kelsey, she's married now :) (ha apparently I wasn't big in to make up back then!)

The strapping young men. We got pretty lucky with our guys :)

The ladies!

Our threesome counselors, usually there are only two, but we got three that time, and I'm in a threesome this time around too!

Gosh I liked those boys :)

And the moment you've been waiting for... Jon!!! We hung out and went on a date or two after efy, this was taken at one of them. He's a cutie :) (Currently on a mission in SINGAPORE!)
And that's all I've got time for right now folks, I meet my girls in two hours, and I am seriously SO excited. I love them already.

Love, Noelle

Oh. P.S. I got the job on campus working at the Information desks in the Kimball and MC, super thrilled about that one. Ahhhh how I've missed working. Life is good. Oh yeah and.... Josh Turner. (Just had to throw him in there)


  1. Noelle! You put my face on your blog - I'm beyond honored! I loved meeting you and Emily - that was by far my favorite EFY. Oh, and i'm pretty sure that EVERYONE's COW was Jon :) never knew that you guys ended up going on a date - cute! You writing him at all? Love you girly, glad to be able to keep up on your life!

  2. Oh Kelsey! It is so good to hear from you!!! I absolutely adored you and have loved stalking you through the years on FB to keep up with your life :) Haha no I'm not writing Jon, I had a boyfriend when he left and another one since then, so I haven't felt the need to keep up with my COW, but we'll see about when he gets home :) He sure is a cutie!! Congratulations to you and your husband! Ah I just love you!!!


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