Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who? Whom? Quien?

Running and blogging go hand in hand with me. When I run I think about lots and lots of things, and I usually blog about those things that I think about.  And then it comes full circle because I usually work on my blog right before I go out on another run where I think about more things to blog about. It's a beautiful cycle :)

Here's a question I was asked a couple of days ago:

Since I end each post like a letter, "Love, Noelle" I've been asked who the letter's/posts would be addressed to. Or in other words:

"Who do you blog for?" 

That's the question that I contemplated on my run today, and now I'm back and have it all figured out, so I thought I'd share.

1. I blog for Bro. Embree: As many of you know, this blog is an assignment for one of my Communication classes. Without it, I would fail miserably, which would be sad because this is my favorite class ever!
Is it creepy that I have a picture of my professor on my blog? Kind of! Oh well..
2. I blog for myself: I just spent a good chunk of my free time this morning reading over every single post in my blog. I'm so glad I've kept it, I've been slacking a smidgen on writing in my journal and this has definitely helped to fill in the blanks. I blog so that I can look back and remember the little things like oatmeal and Aldean :) It's also nice to have a place to sort out my thoughts and feelings about things. It's an outlet for sure.
3. I blog for Claire Ruth Salmons: From day one she's been the 2nd main reason (aside from the fact that it's an assignment) that kept this up. She's constantly asking, "Have you updated your blog yet? No? Update it!!!" It's encouraging :)

4. I blog for my family: They like to stay updated on my happenings, I know they appreciate a good, jam-packed blog post.

 Anddd that's all the specifics I can think of for now. But while I was running, I realized that while I'm writing each post, I keep in mind certain people who could possibly be reading it. This greatly determines the content that goes into each post. 

My Stats tab shows me how many times each post is viewed and then it tells me what kind of device it was viewed on and what country it was viewed in. I have no idea who exactly reads it, but this tells me I have some faithful German  and Puerto Rican friends :)
I always think, "Do I feel comfortable knowing that so and so is possibly going to read this?" These include people like my parents, the lovely ladies I'm over in relief society, my grandma, friends from home etc. And then I thought to myself, I wonder if my future husband is reading this blog post! So if you are, here's a shout out just for you, and when we're old and married we can talk about how I blogged for you even before I knew you... how romantic! Oh gosh haha I hope you can sense the sarcasm. Either way, I definitely keep all these people in mind while I'm writing, and I hope I haven't let  them down thus far.

So is that weird or do you do the same thing while writing your blog posts,  your facebook status' or whatever it might be?

You never know who might be reading!

Love, Noelle

1 comment:

  1. I like your honesty in your writings. And I don't detect one hint of sarcasm in the romantic shout out to your future husband. I like it! Mommy


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