Monday, July 18, 2011

Allow Me to Explain

I read this quote the other day and fell in love.  I'm sure Mr. Tolkien meant something very deep and profound when he said this, but I took it very literally.

I am such a wanderer.  I didn't even realize it until my roommates kept bringing it up and teasing me about it.

First of all, I like to walk everywhere. I was out with a boy the other day and we were talking about having cars up at school and I realized that I would pretty much NEVER use my car even if I had it up here. I love walking or riding my bike way too much.

Here's where the wandering and complaining roommates come in :) When I walk somewhere and I don't have to be there at a certain time, I love to take my time on my journey. I will most definitely take the longest route possible, just to make the trip last longer. This is especially effective in the springtime when I just love being outside. But even in the winter, I used to drag Claire with me through every single building on campus and then some just so we could wander around for longer. If someone needs something delivered or turned in somewhere, I jump on the opportunity (No promises that it will arrive in a timely manner though)

So if you ever see me wandering around, there's a good chance I'm not lost and I'm not on my way to or from anywhere in particular, I'm just out and about because that's what I like to do. Weird? Uh yeah. But we're each entitled to a couple weird qualities right?

I feel like Winnie the Pooh kind of validates my argument with his quotes:

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”

 “Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.”

Silly 'Ol Bear kinda has a point huh? I think so.

Love, Noelle

1 comment:

  1. Noelle, I just love you a lot!!!!! I tend to wander too, especially when I'm waiting around for something.


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