Tuesday, August 2, 2011

None Greater---EFY:Counselor Edition

You guys!!! I had theeee most incredible week of my life last week. I hear I missed out on one heck of a family reunion, which I am really bummed about, but woah baby, I can't imagine having a greater week than the one that I spent as an EFY counselor. If you recall my last post, you'll remember that this was a total last minute descision, meaning I had no training time and no time to physically, spiritually, emotionally or mentally prepare myself.
I did have one thing going for me.... I was BEYOND excited, and the blue polo brought out my eyes :)

Monday came and I was absolutely clueless as to how things were supposed to run and work. Lucky for me, the Lord was SO mindful of me and was constantly putting people and experiences in my way that would help me to catch on and learn the things that I needed to. I seriously can't even begin to express how many times I saw the hand of the Lord in my life that one day alone. INCREDIBLE!

It all started out when I was assigned and introduced to my fabulous (not to mention good looking ;) co-counselors Cole and Nusly. These two are the only reason I made it out alive. Each of us had a group of 8-12 girls (Cole of course had boys) and the three of our groups combined made up our company. We did almost everything all together as a company, so I got to spend a lot of time with these two.
Nusly, Cole and I: Couldn't have asked for better co-counselors
On Monday at exactly 1:35 pm, I got to meet my girls. I was SOOOO excited to meet them! I was put in charge of 8 of the most gorgeous, talented, hilarious, sweet, obedient, kind 14-15 year old girls I have ever met. I was seriously blown away with how incredible each and everyone of them were. Needless to say, I fell in love with them at once!
These are my girlies on the first day. At this point,  I think they still were under the impression that I was crazy, buuuut we fixed that before long... right girls??

By Wednesday Night, pizza night, our true colors were showing for sure. Look how gorgeous all these ladies are! I can't believe it!
So pretty much I had an amazing time. My favorite part hands down was the Tuesday night dance, I think my girls know why that is :)  I learned so much this week about leadership, friendship and love and how all three can go hand in hand. I seriously love all my girls so much and believe it or not, they seem to think I'm pretty alright too :)  It was a really tough week to be honest, it wasn't all smooth sailing, and 4-5 hours of sleep a day really takes its toll on you, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

With out further ado, here are a couple of pictures I snapped from my week at efy:

There were such darling boys at EFY! I loved to see them being so respectful and sweet towards the girls. They were holding doors, throwing away trash, offering compliments and boosting girls self-esteem right and left. Good work boys, good work!

I got to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with my company everyday (except for when I was on variety show duty) in the crossroads. Tons of good food and even better company!

Pizza Night was so much fun, we pigged out, had girl talk and interpretive danced the night away!
 Pictured below with Brooke on the left and Sarah on the right

I was on variety show duty, meaning that on Tues and Wed tons of kids came to audition in front of me and two other counselors (Russ and Kyle) for a chance to be in the variety show on Thurs. This took a lot of my time! I missed free time and lunches and dinners and part of games night to work on auditions, but it was SOOO much fun! We had over 60 amazing groups/individuals audition. Unfortunately we could only take about half of them, so I got to help in the elimination process. These two boys on the right, were our closing act. They had an amazing, witty, extremely entertaining magic show. I got to be their lovely assistant for the first run. I was BLOWN AWAY!!

Just chilling outside waiting to start our service project.

Cole and the boys in our company. We had two Nathans, three Tanners and two Michaels! Oh and one straight up from Ireland David!
Almost all of the ladies of our company! Each company is given an Old Testament Scripture mastery to pick a company name from, using only the words in that scripture. We had D&C 39:9 and from that our kids drew the name........NONE GREATER!!! That was probably my first and last opportunity I will ever have as a counselor. And I'm kind of grateful for that (as much as I adored being a counselor) I don't think I could ever have a group of kids better than the ones I had here. There truly are NONE GREATER!!!


  1. NOELLE! I'm beyond jealous you had this opportunity and I'm so glad you had a ton of fun! I bet your girls thought they had the best counselor there...and I'm sure they were right :)

  2. You were a counselor with NUSLY???? We are from the same stake in Ohio!! What a small world! Glad to see you had an incredible week at EFY. It is definitely on my bucket list to be an EFY counselor. Haha.


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