Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last First Kiss

This morning, while I was running, Last Kiss by Taylor Swift came onto my ipod. I have mixed feelings about this song, but we won't go into that right now :)  Look it up. You probably won't love it, but you probably won't hate it. It is Taylor Swift after all.

Anyways, it got me thinking about first kisses. A quote from the movie Hitch came to mind. "Eight out of ten women believe that the first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship." I'm sure that that statistic was probably made up for the sake of the movie, but I decided that I am probably not one of those eight women. A whole relationship based on one (very potentially awkward) kiss? I don't think so.

QuickSideNote:  I do however love to hear stories of couples first kisses. It's one of my favorite questions to ask aside from, "What is your absolute favorite thing about him/her?" I've heard some pretty gosh darn adorable answers. Claire can testify of this.


I remembered a time when my dear friend and roommate Emily got engaged, about a year ago. At that time I had just gotten out of a relationship and was back in the dating world, starting from scratch. I remember being so envious of the fact that Emily had gotten her last first kiss. Never again would she be on a date with a boy wondering whether or not they were going to try and kiss her goodnight. Never again would she be in that awkward situation, waiting for an even more awkward kiss. Awwww how fortunate for her. The idea of a last first kiss just sounded so.... blissful to me. Still does.

Ok, so those of you who made it down to the end of this post, congratulations. You have succeeded in my study.  Normally, I probably wouldn't blog about something like kissing,  but this was purely for the research' sake.  Allow me to explain.

Being at BYU-I, all we ever talk about is dating and relationships and what not right? Ok maybe that's not ALL we talk about, but for the most part. It's even integrated into our homework and assignments. So we're doing a little experiment to see if people are more apt to read something about relationships/dating/romance etc. vs a normal blog post. For those of you who are blogger-literate, you know that you have a stats tool on here. This shows you how many people view each of your posts each day/week/month etc. So we'll compare the stats and voila, our research will be complete.

So in the meantime, try not to judge me for writing a post of this sort, it probably won't happen again. Well... maybe. We'll see about when I get my last first kiss. That might just be something to blog about... but probably not :)


  1. i think they're more likely to! haha

  2. The results are in: This post has by far more views than any of my other ones. Success.

  3. I want to try this experiment and see how many more I can get as well!!! Excellent idea, Noelle :)

  4. I REALLY liked this post.
    It was very interesting, and honestly..sweet.
    I do the SAME thing, where I like to ask a couple what their favorite thing is about the other. :D

    My favorite thing about Justin is that he is SO patient! In the five years we have known each other (4 1/2 of those married!) he has never raised his voice at me, and trust me...there were PLENTY of times that it would be been perfectly understandable if he did.
    We never argue because he's so good at communicating and understanding.

  5. Oh Lisa! I miss you, thanks for sharing and thanks for all your sweet comments!


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