Saturday, May 21, 2011

God is Close to the Broken Hearted

I had the pleasure of attending a Paul Cardall concert last Friday. Let's just say it was amazing! If you haven't heard of him or don't know his story... this is a good place to start. Or just take a listen to the following masterpiece and fall in love. 
 He was born with essentially half of a heart and has struggled with that his entire life. He has a pretty cool story. While he was playing last night, there was a slide show in the back ground that had pictures or quotes on it. Lot's of them were about the heart, or hearts in general. One that stuck out to me was, "God is close to the brokenhearted."  I also liked this one by JFK, "We need men who can dream of things that never were and ask "why not?"
Claire and I ran over to a friends house the other day and on their door was a sign that said, "Why not?" I really liked that and decided to add it to my list of mottos.

Love, Noelle

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