Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Online Schooling

 In order to graduate on schedule, and to keep a small portion of my scholarship. I had to take online classes this semester during my full time (40+ hours a week) internship.

Dear Future Noelle,

Don't you dare ever do that again you crazy! That much time on a computer drove you nuts. You hated not being able to sit in a classroom and listen to the comments and interaction going on throughout the lectures and discussions. You dreaded your discussion boards. You detested the hours of reading from that little screen.

You procrastinated your assignments like nobody's business. Don't you dare even think about dropping  out of school with plans to finish it online later, or somewhere else. No, no, no, no!!!

That's all.

You'll thank me for this one day.


  1. I always thought of myself as a self motivated person, so when I took an online class, I thought, "I can totally do this! I'll be done in a week!"

    Didn't happen.

  2. Oh Noelle I totally know how you feel! After I married Kyle and moved to Provo, the only way I could graduate was to finish online. I did online for 2 years. ugh!! It was awful and I am sooo glad I'm done. Online is hard. Avoid it like the plague I say!!


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