Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Look How Fast I'm Going!"

Keri Rich, Claire Salmon and I spent our Saturday morning hearing comments such as the following:
"You Rock!" - Old guy with glasses and Hawaiian shorts
"Come finish it for me!"- Old guy
"That way?"-Old man
"Thank you!"- A guy with a heavy accent
"GRRRRMMMMAMMMAAAWWWW!"- A nice young man with a lot of energy
"Do you guys have any morphine??"-Old man
"Now that's inspiration!"- Old man referring to our sweet dance moves.

 And my personal favorite:
"Look how fast I'm going!"- Hispanic man said with a cute accent

We also heard several, "You're awesome!" 's and even more, "You're the best cheerers so far!"
Any guesses as to how we three ladies spent our Saturday morning? See if you can guess from a few pictures: 
So our morning started at about 6:15 am. Claire was the drill sergeant in charge of waking us up.

I wasn't very happy about being awake so exceedingly early, until I found out that lovely Claire had made and packed German Pancakes for our breakfast once we got to our destination. That put me in a good mood :)

After breakfast, we crashed. I'm sure we were a sight to see: Three college girls passed out on some random Rexburg street corner. It was cold :( and it even started raining on us!

Then things brightened up and we got our groove on, right in the middle of the street, for about 3 hours!
Poor Keri :)
And then we crashed...again, but in a more comfortable place.

Ok, if you haven't guessed, we spent our Saturday morning as volunteers for the Teton Dam Marathon. We were in charge of standing on a street corner all morning and cheering runners on as they ran past us. We were located at mile 25.5 out of a total of 26.2 miles, so we were right there near the end. Despite the early hour and our grumpy beginnings, we finished out strong and had so much fun cheering on the runners as they ran by. We jumped, kicked, danced and yelled our hearts out. I'd be willing to bet we burned just as much calories as those runners... ok well maybe not quite as much, but we were movin like crazy!

By the end of the race, we were worn out and our throats were raw, but we had a blast! Good thing it was National Be Outside day, because we were outside all morning. It was great!

Also, I made it a goal, if I'm in Rexburg next spring, to run the Teton Dam Half Marathon. That's 13ish or so miles.. with a little training that's totally doable!! I can just imagine the feeling of accomplishment I'd feel, ahhh bliss. There were so many elderly folk out there running; if they could get out there and do it, so could I! The only thing that throws me off is that you have to pay like $45 to participate. Pay money to run... what?? Minor details, minor details. Running a marathon is on my bucket list, so $45 or not, it must be done!
My lovely roommate Hannah Salmon finished the half!

The half marathoner and I!

Salmon Sisters

Soo... half marathon next spring? :) Who's with me?


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