Wednesday, February 15, 2012

21 is the New 55

Today I was sitting doing virtually nothing, when all of a sudden something happened to me that I didn’t think happened to people until they were in their mid 50’s.

Ready for this?

I couldn’t remember how old I was!!!! Can you believe it? I surely couldn’t. I sat their racking my brain, trying to remember if I was 20 or 21. I went back and forth! No I’m not 21 yet, because I can’t have my papers in. Oh wait, I just had a birthday 2 months ago…was it my 20th or my 21st?  I became frantic and finally resulted to the tried and true, only way to know exactly how old one is.

Yes I did the math.

And discovered, much to my surprise that I was indeed 21.

Is that not the most bizarre thing you’ve ever heard? I’m losing it I tell you!
Love, Noelle

Do You Want To Have a Party at My House?

We have friends! They are Peruvian and they are our age and we have quite a few of them!  Thus, we are planning a fiesta!  A true, blue, all the fixings college party. Granted, it will be a BYU-I style party…and twill be in Peru…thus it will be nothing like anyone has ever seen before!

After spending several days with our new friends who are our age, we’ve come to realize how different our customs are from theirs. While we love being in Peru and learning about their culture, we’re excited to show them a little bit of good, old  YSA American fun.

Here’s the catch… we don’t have a curfew…. Except for the fact that if our guests don’t leave by 7:30, they will have no way of getting home since public transportation shuts down at that time.
I’m pretty sure that parties up at school don’t even begin til like 8ish and ours has to be over by 7:30. This puts a damper on things but we’ll make it work. Brittany suggested a slumber party :)

We’re thinking campfire with marshmallows, homemade pizza, games that don’t involve too much explanation or talking J (Charades, Murder, pudding Pictionary, keys) You know, the college go-to’s..
Also, it’s going to be a dance party, we’re busting our buns trying to prep ourselves for the big Prom dance coming up, but we want to teach them how a true “Party in the  Hart” dance goes down.

Suggestions are appreciated! 
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