Saturday, November 10, 2012

Obsessing Over Favorites

Favorites are tough for me. Yet, despite my efforts to avoid them, they come each and every first day of classes, first date, any introduction etc.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an incredibly passionate person, very capable of liking something a great deal. But that's just the problem... I'm an incredibly passionate person, very capable of liking a great deal of somethings. How could I ever possible pick one "All-time FAVORITE"?

I can't.... but that never seems to be a suitable answer, and I am forced to pick one movie/song/book/season/color/animal over all the rest.

It's a cruel, cruel world.

To counter this, I will admit to something. I don't have favorites, I have bouts of Obsessions: Times when I find something, fall in love with something and obsess over said something for an unknown period of time.

My current obsession you ask?


Ok, you'll never guess. It's a super weird one.

For the time being, if someone were to ask me, "Who is your favorite apostle?"
I would, without a doubt, hands down, unhesitantly answer: Elder Richard G Scott!

I absolutely adore him!

Here's why.

I'm in a Teachings of the Living Prophets class. It's amazing. Brother Peck is amazing. Take this class.

At the beginning of the semester we were told to pick an apostle that we wanted to give a presentation on. At first I thought, "Meh, I don't care which one I get, they're all amazing!"

But as I read down the list and my eyes hit the name "Elder Scott", I knew he was the one for me!

I cannot get enough of when Elder Scott talks about his dear Jeanene. He talks about her with the most tender, sincere, loving words. There is not a doubt in my mind that they are completely, totally, irrevocably and eternally smitten with each other. I'm so glad that he mentions Jeanene so often because I love the example he gives of how we should treat those we love. His stories are so stinking cute... and we all know what a sucker I am for stuff like that.Elder and Sister Scott

But that's not what I've focused on with this presentation that I gave about Elder Scott, I wanted to know more about her, Jeanene. I wanted to know what kind of a woman she was and what kinds of things she did. Clearly she was loved for a reason, and I wanted to know what it was.

After some research, I've decided that Jeanene Scott is a saint! She was so in tune with the spirit and knew exactly what her family needed to make them happy and strong. She set strict guidelines and rules for herself so that she stayed worthy of that spirit and never got caught up in complaining, slacking or not fulfilling her duties as a wife and mother. She knew what mattered most and her priorities were in line. The more I read about her, the more I just loved her and wanted to be just like her.

She's amazing and it's easy to see why Elder Scott is crazy about her. To learn more about those  two love birds, go here, here or here.

This is one of my "favorite" videos. "Not a spoonful, a whole ladle!"

Ahhhh I love this!!!

Love, Noelle


  1. He is my favorite too! He's the only apostle I have ever seen and I'll never forget the feeling I got when he came into the room. Just LOVE him. We named Ethan Scott after him. :-D I love all the apostles, of course, but when he speaks in General Conference, my soul just soaks up every single word. What a great man! And the love that he has for his wife?! I want that! Justin and I have a great marriage, but I know that it could be so so much more, ya know? I'm excited to read and learn more about his wife. Thank you for the references. Loves and hugs!


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