Friday, January 11, 2013


Me and my dear Grace Marie fell in love with this word our senior year of high school. We loved it's definition.

Nostalgia: A bittersweet yearning for things of the past.

That describes how I have felt all week to a tee.

I have reading to be doing. Papers that need writing. Quizzes to be studied for and so much. I do not have time to be blogging. But I have to, because this nostalgia will be the death of me. I can't focus on anything except for Peru.

One year ago today, I stepped foot in that beautiful country that changed my life. When I say it changed my life. . . I literally mean it changed my life. The experiences I had in Peru sunk deep inside of me and I am a new person because of it. In so many ways!

Some for the better: I was the recipient of the purest, most Christ-like charity. Charity that I didn't even think was possible. I would be a cold-hearted bean bag if I didn't allow the service that was shown to me affect me and change me for the better.

Some for the worse: In Peru, I didn't wear make-up, I didn't do my hair, and it was so gosh darn painful to shower (in freezing cold water) that I didn't do much of that either. I've been home for several months, and it's still hard for me to want to wake up and try and look decent each morning.

My heart is so full right now, and I'll be the first to admit that as I've been completely distracted all week, daydreaming about Peru, thinking about my wild adventures and sweet ninos. I can't hardly keep back the tears as I think about how grateful I am for the wonderful blessing that it was in my life.

I will be forever grateful!

Love, Noelle
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