Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let the Boy Stories Begin

You know, I love having my blog be public. I love hearing from random people who have stumbled upon it and have sent me a message of encouragement, gratitude, constructive criticism etc

However, there are just some things that I can't post on here, due to the fact that I would be mortified if certain someones happened to be reading. You know what I'm saying? I'm thinking mostly about dating stories... or just boy stories in general. Oh my land, do I have some good dating stories! Especially ones that have come up in this past year.

There's one that I was recently reminded of that I think I just must share. It's not the grandest of all stories, but I laughed myself to tears when it happened, and I must have it documented. I also don't think that the lovely lad who stars in this story would mind me sharing it. He'll probably never see it. So we're good.

So here's what happened:

Fall 2011: I'm getting ready for a first date with a boy named Trevor. This was actually one of the first dates that semester that I was excited to go to on. Trevor is an awesome kid who is easy to talk to and fun to be around, so the fact that he called me up and asked me on a date was exciting. I put on my famous "first-date shirt" and called my little sister, Natalie, (who lives like four doors and one floor down from me) to come and open the door for me when he came.

First date shirt! I think the middle one was  in prep for my date with Trevor.
>> Side note: When my date comes and knocks on the front door, I simply cannot open it. I cannot! I don't know why. That's where my great roommates come in handy. But I loved it most when Natalie would come up and answer the door for me. This way she gets to see my date before I go and then she has a visual for when I get home from the date, run to her apartment, jump on her bed and tell her all about it before we start sobbing over country music videos.

Anyways, Natalie comes up and I'm in the bathroom getting ready. Natalie answers the door. Yells for me. Trevor and I leave and have a wonderful date of cooking, eating, dancing and a walk around town. I come home, run to Natalie's, jump on her bed and tell her all about my date before we start sobbing over country music videos (it's the greatest!)

Once midnight rolled around, I headed back up to my apartment where I talked and laughed with my roommates, when somebody (Hannah perhaps?) said something like, "Oh that was sooo great when Trevor came over!"

I was like, "What are you talking about? What happened when Trevor came over?"

They were shocked that I had just spent the past few hours with Natalie and she had failed to mention the events that transpired before I presented myself before my date that night. (Apparently she forgot!) But they wouldn't tell me, they insisted that I call up Natalie (it was probably close to 1 am at this time) and make her come up and tell me what happened herself! So I did, and she came!

Sorry, I'm making this short story, oh so very long!

Anyways, so apparently, here's what happened while I was in the bathroom pretending to be primping for my date (usually I'm just waiting in there).

Trevor comes and knocks on the door. . . Natalie opens it.

Trevor says, "Hi! Is Claire here?" (Claire is the name of my roommate who he was NOT going on a date with, hellloooo you came to pick up Noelle!)

Mortified, he stumbles on his words as he tries to correct what he had just said.

So straight-face Natalie says, "Uhhhh... Why don't you try that again." and then she shuts the door on him!!!

So then he knocks and sheepishly tries again, thankfully getting it right this time.

Oh my gosh, I about died laughing when they recounted this story to me. DIED. Holy cow, I would have NEVER thought to keep a straight face, shut the door and tell the poor kid to "try again".

Ahhh truth be told, I wasn't even the slightest bit offended that he came and asked for Claire, the whole thing was tooo hilarious to even think anything of it.

Oh I can't wait for this Fall. Natalie will be theee only one I let answer the door for my dates ;)

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha This was such a classic moment in our roommate-ship. It was me, Michaela, and Natalie. We were dumbfounded when this happened but we just laughed and laughed and laughed. I almost forgot about this little memory but am so glad that you brought it back up!


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