Friday, August 10, 2012

LoveButton | Chelsi McConnell Stratton

Me and sweet little Ashton
Oh where do I begin with Chelsi? Of all the best friends that I have acquired throughout the years, Chelsi  (along with Taryn) remains the longest running one. Best friends since 4th grade we've been. We've had our ups and downs, our power struggles (AKA: Who gets to be Taryn's BESTbest friend ;), and our paths after high school ended up going different directions. But... our friendship remains alive and well, and I cherish the times I get to come visit her and her gorgeous little baby. That's right, she has a baby! And you will never find a better momma or a cuter little bundle of joy than Chelsi and Ashton.

That being said… The lessons I've learned from Chelsi are  innumerable. She's affected me so much and from such a young age!

Back in fourth grade, she taught me that it was ok to be goofy! It was ok to laugh and make jokes and not worry about what you look like. Chelsi is a natural beauty and didn't wear an ounce of make-up for a long time.

Our "Yarn Bridge" we made using nothing but yarn and ourselves
Chelsi showed me how to root for the underdog. It's not about titles or stereotypes, it's about the person. She's not ashamed to be associated with "the little people". On the contrary, she champions them and gives them a voice and a friend.

Chelsi is such a people person. She'll make you feel at ease when talking to her, whether you've known her for ten years or two minutes. She'll talk to you, she'll ask you questions and truly listen to you, and she'll love you.

Chels is a deep thinker too. I remember our late night doctrinal discussions at 14 year olds. She'd pose questions about the future. She has such a curiosity and passion to learn about the Second coming and was always willing to learn more. She has a true, pure love for the gospel.  I know without a doubt that SHE knows without a doubt that it is true, and she loves it. 

In a nutshell, her little Ashton and the several other little munchkins that come after are not only getting a mom. They are without a doubt getting a best friend. Someone that they will feel comfortable talking to and sharing their feelings. A mom who will play and be silly with her kids while teaching them that it doesn't matter what other people think about you as long as you are being yourself. A mom who will champion her kids in all they do, in their successes and struggles. A  mom who will passionately and powerfully teach the gospel in a way that her kids can understand and apply to their lives. They are getting a mom better than they could have ever dreamed of.

How grateful I am to have been able to learn from and love this lovebutton. She truly is amazing and has such a unique and special purpose.

Love you Freckle Ear!

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