Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things To Do Before 22

Oh hey everyone. It's Noelle. THE TWENTY-ONE year old!
( I went to the Homestead on my birthday and Ila guessed that I was 15, Margie guessed that I was 19, and Oliver just said that I was "Old enough for me, oooo la la" ha... oh Oliver. Gross.

Gosh I'm going to like this age. I can already tell.

I've got to set goals or I'll get nothing done as a twenty-one year old.
We shall review these on the eve of my 22nd birthday and see what I've accomplished in the next 364 days. 

In no particular order... 

1. Ride a horse
2. Bear my testimony to someone in Espanol
3. Obtain a car and learn to love driving it
4. Come up with a talent that I could perform at any talent show if needed
5. Run a half marathon
6. Catch a fish
7. Secretly pay for the person in line behind me (at the grocery store, ticket office, toll booth, fast food..etc)
8. Become an aunt again and gain another sister in law (I know I don't have much say in either of these, but they're on my list, so they must happen!!)
9. Give someone my watch when they ask for the time
10. Be able to play at least 10 hymns beautifully on the piano without mistake
11. Meet the man I'm going to marry (We don't even have to start dating this year, I'd just like to meet him :)
12. Fix my chipped tooth
13. Print my blog into a book
14. Buy a real camera
15. Make a Peruvian Facebook friend
16. Visit South America
17. Be able to do 20 consecutive man push-ups at any given time throughout the year
18. Successfully complete an internship for the church
19. Have plans for a second internship (I'm thinking a second one for the church, or perhaps one in Wisconsin:)
20. Donate more money than I feel comfortable with to a really good cause
21. Give up my lunch, right as I'm about to eat it, to someone who needs it
22. Throw a fistful of glitter into the air
23. Memorize The Living Christ in Spanish
24. Do and record at least one act of service every single day.
25.  Double dutch jump-rope
26. Play in the snow
27. Compile all of my favorite recipes for my future family
28. Go through and clean out (aka toss) my "College Boxes"
29.  Re-Design my blog
30. Buy a whole outfit from a thrift store

I have a feeling that this year is going to be fantastic.  I know for sure that it will be a year to remember. I think that being 21 will suit me quite nicely.


  1. "Old enough for me, oooo la la" ha... oh Oliver. Gross." LOVE IT! Oh you make me laugh!

  2. P.S. Christmas Break = I have horses = We can go riding = Check off #1


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